COVID-19 Update 


Practices & Policies

In keeping with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control issued in response to the recent COVID-19 epidemic we ask that our patients not come in to the clinic if you have any of the following:

  •  You are actively exhibiting any one or more of the following symptoms: fever, cough, acute respiratory symptoms and or sore throat. 
  • You have traveled within the last 14 days to an international destination identified by the CDC as a Level 2 or 3 area or domestically to areas known with high prevalence of COVID-19.
  • You have been in contact with someone in the last 14 days with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 or are under investigation for COVID-19 or any other respiratory illness.
  • You have a medical condition that puts you at higher risk for COVID -19.
  • As patients arrive for an appointment, we will be asking them if any of the above conditions apply to them.  If the answer is yes to any of the above, we will ask the patient to leave the office and contact their provider by phone to make alternative arrangements to receive services.  We will notify their provider(s) immediately so that they can contact the patient.

  • If for any of the above reasons you are unable to come to the clinic for an appointment please contact your provider in advance to make alternative arrangements for your treatment.   
  • Psychiatric & Psychological Associates of Durham, PLLC has contracted with a telehealth platform to be able to provide confidential, HIPAA compliant, remote access psychotherapy services as needed.  When you contact your provider they will give you information about how to use this service.  



Psychiatric & Psychological Associates of Durham, PLLC is committed to protecting the wellbeing of our patients and clinicians.  In response to the current COVID 19 outbreak we are putting in place the following practices and policies

  • We will follow best practices to make our clinic environment as safe as possible for our patients and clinicians.
  • We urge all our patients and clinicians to follow the recommendations of the CDC with regard to self-protective and community protective measures.  
  • We will make options available for our patients and clinicians to be able to receive and provide our clinical services remotely through the use of telehealth technology. 
  • We will stay informed about the changing circumstances and recommendations from government health officials in order to adjust our practices accordingly.

4004 Ben Franklin Blvd Durham NC 27704 us


919-479-5551 (fax)